What Is Ortho-k?

What Is Ortho-k?

What Is Ortho-k?

What Is Ortho-k?

Ortho-k or orthokeratology is a nonsurgical, noninvasive way of treating refractive errors. It works in a way that you will not need to use eyeglasses or contact lenses during the day. It frees you from bulky eyeglasses and constantly worrying about losing your contacts. 



How Does It Work?


The treatment uses specialty contact lenses or ortho-k lenses to reshape the cornea. The cornea is like the dominant focusing lens in a camera. It provides about 75% of your eye’s focusing power. The eye lens can adjust and make up for the difference, but the cornea cannot—unless you use ortho-k lenses.


Ortho-k lenses gently reshape your cornea as you sleep, temporarily flattening it. The effect changes the focusing power of the cornea. The more focusing power you need, the flatter the prescription lenses will make your cornea. 


When you wake up, you can remove your lenses and temporarily enjoy clear vision. Fittings for the lenses may take time, so you may use several pairs of temporary lenses. Each time, your doctor will ensure you get the ideal fit for optimal results.



Are the Results Permanent?


The results are temporary. The corneal reshaping will wear off over a few days if you do not wear your lenses. The cornea will return to its state before ortho-k treatment. If you want to keep the results, you must wear your lenses every night.



Is It Safe for Children?


Ortho-k is particularly good for children since they cannot undergo LASIK surgery. The lenses also eliminate the concern of children losing contact lenses or damaging eyeglasses. 


Additionally, ortho-k lenses are more likely to slow and reverse myopia in children. The lenses do not hurt. They may be slightly uncomfortable initially, but the feeling eases after a few days. In time, the children will become more comfortable wearing the lenses.



Suitability for Ortho-k Lenses

Ortho-k is for children as it is also for adults. It corrects various refractive errors like myopia and astigmatism. You do not need to stay at home to heal from surgery. You can get your lenses and go about your business. It may take two weeks or more to attain your ideal vision correction. You may also experience significant improvements in days. 


The doctor will gradually change the prescription as the lenses shape your cornea. They will continue until you use one shape of lens each night. From there, the doctor prescribes this as the retainer lens.





Ortho-k is one of the ideal treatments for myopia. But remember to follow good hygiene while using them. You may infect your eyes as you put them in or remove them. Take caution to wash your hands and dry them with a lint-free cloth before touching your lenses. Eye infections are common with contact lenses, so take care.


For more information on ortho-k, visit Nolo Eye Care + Eyewear Gallery at our Nolensville, Tennessee office. Call (615) 283-7321 to schedule an appointment today.

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